Added an Open Live Component context menu option for Live Components, allowing you to open the Trimble Creator graphy of a Live Component, modify your own copy of it, and then republish an updated Live Component.Additionally, the Field of View tool is now accessible. The Large Toolset has been re-organized, adding the Flip tool and changing the location of the Section Plane tool.Drawing with the Freehand tool close to existing edges no longer snaps to that edge.New help tip to show that a curve is closed when using the Freehand tool.Fixed an issue where scaling the contents of an already distorted component would lead to unexpected scaling.It is now possible to immediately convert an imported image to be a Group or Component from the contextual menu.Placing and resizing an imported image performance greatly improved.Tool ornaments, the resize handles in the Scale tool for example, now remain visible while orbiting or panning.Corrected problem preventing the use of Previous/Next Camera views when using tools like Pan and Orbit.Rotated Rectangle and Arc tools now allow users to change the length by entering new values until moving the cursor or clicking the mouse.

When creating a curve in Freehand drawing, holding down the modifier key and + or - allows the user to increase or decrease the number of segments, respectively, similar to the Arc tool.Improved Eraser tool functionality to make it much harder to miss entities when using the tool very quickly.Arc tool (in continuous tangent AND normal drawing mode) now allows the user to properly increase and decrease the number of segments after the arc is drawn.Added the ability to set shortcuts to deselect Faces and Edges.(Mac) Fixed a crash related to the import of a TRB file.(Mac) Fixed crash when attempting to clear the default shortcuts in preferences.(Win) Corrected an issue where additional folders were added to the C:\ProgramData\SketchUp folder after initial launch.(Win) Fixed a crash when importing an IFC file.(Win) Fixed performance issue where component statistics were being calculated twice.Fixed a hang when copy pasting large models.Fixed a crash when exporting to DWG with a file containing an error.Fixed an issue where files saved to a Western Digital My Cloud Home drive would then not reopen.Multiple cases were fixed, where model files corrupted in various ways could cause SketchUp to crash.A message will appear to say the file cannot be opened, where previously SketchUp would crash. Add more cases for handling a file that is corrupted.